Make a regular Donation Become a Supporter today!
Regular donations enable better financial planning and increase the Landshare’s security long term.
- £5 per month could help purchase seeds for all to use and to support plant sales
- £10 per month could cover the annual cost of the Landshare Manager’s phone
- £20 per month could cover fuel costs for the mowers – vital to keep the grass in check
The benefits of becoming a Supporter of JHCL :-
- ‘membership’ of a motivated organisation dedicated to helping people through therapeutic gardening
- regular updates by email about progress and events
- advance notice and opportunity to book popular workshops and events
- the opportunity to purchase plants and produce through the JHCL shop
- a dedicated ‘Supporters’ afternoon tea at JHCL each year
Application to become a Supporter of JHCL:-
Please complete the supporter form below.
On receipt of your application, you will be issued with a Membership Number and details of how to set up the regular payment.
Supporter Application Form
You can also download the form to fill in and either post back or scan and email to us.