A plot for hire at Jealott's Hill Community Landshare

Adopt a plot

We have plots of various sizes for community use. Whether you are looking for a small plot to try your hand at growing fruit, veg and flowers or you are a community group looking to grow and learn together we have an option for you.

You will have access to tools and water. The site is fully secure and safe so ideal for young children or vulnerable adults. We even have toilet facilities available.

The only stipulations are –

  • You must be part of a group – a group could be as small as two families wanting to have a go but not wanting to commit to an allotment elsewhere
  • You must share out the things you grow with your group. These are NOT ALLOTMENTS in the traditional sense. We are here to share the love of growing

Contact us to find out more. We can tell you about pricing and show you around the site.


Make an online donation now

Your donation will help provide shared horticulture and learning for the local community