Volunteers amongst the flowers at Jealotts Hill with a donation cheque

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Where we are

Jealott’s Hill Community Landshare
Wellers Lane at the junction of Penfurzen Lane
RG42 6BQ

Opening Hours

Monday – 10.00-14.00

Wednesday – 10.00-14.00

Thursday – 10.00-14.00

Getting here

Getting here by car

From Bracknell

Head towards Warfield, via Forest Road from Binfield, or Newell Green (towards Plough & Harrow Pub) from Bracknell town centre. Take the A3095 / Maidenhead Road towards Maidenhead, past the Leathern Bottle Pub & Syngenta entrance. At the Hawthorn Hill junction, turn right towards Ascot onto the A330, past Quintessential Meats (Fernygrove Farm Shop) and take the first right turning onto Wellers Lane after the road bend. JHCL is located 300 yards on the right, at the junction of Penfurzen Lane.

Follow the A330/Ascot Road from Ascot towards Maidenhead. Beyond the Stirrups Pub crossroads, and at the top of the hill, Wellers Lane is a left turning. JHCL is located 300 yards on the right, at the junction of Penfurzen Lane.

Follow A330/Ascot Road through Touchen-End towards Ascot. Still on A330 just after Hawthorn Hill, past Quintessential Meats (Fernygrove Farm Shop) and take the first right turning onto Wellers Lane after the road bend. JHCL is located 300 yards on the right, at the junction of Penfurzen Lane.

Getting here on the bus

No. 53 bus (Courtney) Bracknell to Wexham Park hourly & No.53 bus Wexham Park to Bracknell from Maidenhead stops at Jealotts Hill (Syngenta main entrance) approx hourly, which is followed by a 10-15 minute walk. Please contact the Project Manager to obtain a permit to walk through the Syngenta site as a more direct route, by prior arrangement only.


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Your donation will help provide shared horticulture and learning for the local community

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