Young lady in woodland in Namaste pose

Self referral

You can have a referral through your GP to help with recovery from stress, anxiety and other health issues.

Alternatively if you feel you need a boost to your physical or mental wellbeing we are here to help. Just fill in the contact form and we can make a no obligation offer of a visit to take a look around. We not only offer opportunities to garden, but you can get involved with crafting projects. We have many acres to explore and tranquil secluded spots if you feel you just need to get away from it all and listen to the bees-a-buzzing and the birds chirping away.

Increasingly health professionals are recognising the importance of connection with nature through gardening. We are uniquely placed in East Berkshire to offer the therapeutic gardening experience.


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Your donation will help provide shared horticulture and learning for the local community

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